Year of Memory and Glory

Year of Memory and Glory

Year of Memory and Glory

2020 brought our country, just as the whole world, a serious challenge in the form of the pandemic. It is now all the more important to remember what serious challenges our country went through during the Great Patriotic War of 1941–1945. Back then our people were able to gain Victory. The preservation and protection of the historical memory of the Great Victory is our duty and obligation.

During this year numerous events have been organized, among which were exploratory expeditions, and museum and exhibition projects. New historical places were discovered all around the country, drawing attention to the history of the Great Victory, linking historical memory with the geography of the country. Thus, one of the symbols of the Year of Memory and Glory was the Rzhev memorial to the Soviet soldier. This monument became truly the people’s, the country’s citizens donating over 500 million rubles to build it.76 Starting this year, Russian had the honorary title of “City of Labor Valor,” which was bestowed in recognition of the significant contribution of a number of cities to achieving victory in the Great Patriotic War of 1941–1945.

As a part of the Year of Memory and Glory, numerous projects were realized with the participation of youth volunteers. Despite many commemorative events were conducted online due to restrictive measures, the Russian public demonstrated its loyalty to the feat of the people in that Great War. New formats allowed the audience not only to not shrink, but even to grow.77 Thus, for example, even times of restrictive measures saw the success of the Window of Victory campaign, in which citizens decorated the windows of their flats and houses with pictures, photographs and signs dedicated to the victory of the Soviet people over fascism.78 We must develop and support such patriotic initiatives and projects as: My Childhood – War,79 Letter of Victory,80 Garden of Memory,81 Victory Fact Test,82 and the Victory Volunteers youth forum.83

With the passage of time, fewer and fewer participants of the Great Patriotic War remain – approximately 60 thousand this year.84 The debt of Russian society and government to their heroes is to provide a worthy life. The all-Russia project “Mobile assistance teams for disabled people and veterans”885 provides them with free mobile telephones with unlimited tariffs, and the Victory Volunteers help them with everything they need during the pandemic, most importantly documenting their invaluable memories and experience for future generations.86

According to census survey data, at present Russia is home to 24.3 million people aged from 15 to 29, which is 16.5% of the whole population of the country.87 The vast majority have no experience of personal interaction with veterans, so a very important problem is how to instill in them a reverential attitude to the Great Victory. New formats and new solutions must be sought. One such solution for developing a patriotic attitude is the all-Russia Passing the Torch to the New Generation project. During the pandemic, Passing the Torch to the New Generation project conducts educational events online, organizes lessons in fortitude, and provides targeted aid to veterans.88 One more example is the People’s Feat exhibition in the Victory Museum at Victory Park in Moscow. It is full of interactive and multimedia elements, allowing children and teenagers to immerse themselves in this important subject.

In order to instill patriotism, important amendments were made this year to the “On Education”, according to which, from 1 September 2020 the educational process at all levels includes mentoring element designed to instill patriotism in students, the necessity for the return of which has been discussed for a long time in society.89 New approaches to working with young people must be carefully considered in developing the federal Patriotic Education of Citizens project, which will be part of the Education national project.


The importance of preserving the historical memory is now fixed in the Constitution. “The Russian Federation honors the memory of defenders of the Fatherland, and protects historical truth. Belittling the significance of the people’s feat in defending the Fatherland shall not be permitted”, asserts part 3 of article 67.1 of the Main Law.

We must not leave unpunished attempts to mock symbols of our memory – desecration of the Eternal Flame and attempts to post photographs of fascists on the online Immortal Regiment platform, just as we must not leave unanswered pseudohistorical rhetoric concerning the weighty contribution made to the Great Victory by the countries of the West, diminishing or concealing the role of our country, and sometimes blasphemously equating the actions of the USSR with the actions of fascist Germany. Under no circumstance must we be allowed to forget who was tried at Nuremberg trial and for what. On November 20–21, 2020, the Lessons of Nuremberg Forum was held at the Museum of the Great Patriotic War. The Forum discussed the Long, Long Ago project, which united NPOs, museum employees, prosecutors and investigators, whose task was to show, based precisely on archived documents, the scale of the criminal offences and wicked deeds carried out by the Nazis and their co-conspirators during World War II. This work was vital for the preservation and protection of the historical memory, especially for the young generation.

Work concerning the uncovering and opposition of the dissemination of historical fakery and provocation must be done methodically and persistently. Patriotic social associations and organizations, and civic activists were working on uncovering historical falsifications and managing to suppress them. The Civic Chamber of the Russian Federation served as a platform for the exchange of opinion and the realization of projects aimed at fighting the falsification of history. Thus, the Civic Chamber developed proposals to introduce fines and other sanctions for unprincipled producers and/ or disseminators of advertising materials containing distorted information about historical facts, and participants in wartime events, etc.

The preservation and protection of the memory of the Great Victory is a basis for the consolidation of Russian civil society. It is necessary to provide full government social support for veterans of the Great Patriotic War and all our other military veterans. We must comprehensively support social projects connected with assisting veterans, and the historical enlightenment of the youth about the Great Victory and the struggle with the falsification of our history must be the basis for educational and mentoring programs.


© Andrey Pozharskiy/

Annually the Civic Chamber receives an average of 15-17 thousand appeals. In the working period of the 6th composition of the Civic Chamber, from June 2017 to June 2020, 52,395 appeals were considered.
The balance between security measures and preserving quality of life in residential facilities, 20.10.2020: Open
“We need an integrated examination of the law about guardianship” — Lidia Mikheeva, 03.11.2020: Open
Draft Law No. 879343-6 “On introducing amendments to separate legal acts of the Russian Federation, with the aim of increasing the guarantee of realizing the rights and freedoms of disabled and partly disabled people” // System for ensuring legal activity: Open
РRosprirodnadzor estimated the environmental damage from the fuel spill in Norilsk at 148 billion rubles, 06.07.2020:Open
Recommendations of the Civic Chamber of the Russian Federation, resulting from public hearings concerning: “The accident in Norilsk: ecological damage and recovery programs”: Open
Kushtau shihan: social activists and experts – for conferring on it the status of natural monument of federal significance // Civic Chamber of the Russian Federation site, 03.09.2020: Open
Bill No. 974393-7 “On introducing amendments to the Federal law “On Specially Protected Natural Areas” and separate legal acts of the Russian Federation”: Open
Conclusions of the Civic Chamber of the Russian Federation concerning the results of the public evaluation of projected federal law No. 974393-7 “On the introduction of amendments to the Law of the Russian Federation “On specially protected natural areas” and separate legal acts of the Russian Federation”: Open
The Russian Academy of Sciences announced the reason for the pollution of water in Kamchatka // RBC, 23.10.2020: Open
Presidential address to the Federal Assembly // site of the Russian President, 15.01.2020: Open
Constitutional amendments: rating of Russians’ preferences. Results of VCIOM survey:Open
Working group established to prepare proposals concerning the introduction of amendments to the Constitution // Site of the Russian President, 15.01.2020:Open
Working group for preparation of amendments to the Constitution held a meeting in the Civic Chamber of the Russian Federation // Civic Chamber of the Russian Federation site, 23.01.2020: Open
“It is very important that the whole Russian population participates in discussing amendments to the Constitution” // Civic Chamber of the Russian Federation site, 10.03.2020: Open
Law No. 1-FKZ of the Russian Federation on amendments to the Constitution of the Russian Federation of 14 March 2020 “On improvements to the regulation of individual questions of the organization and functioning of the public authorities”: Open
4 Conclusions of the Civic Chamber of the Russian Federation concerning the results of the public evaluation of projected federal law No. 974290-7 “On the introduction of amendments to article 13 of the Law of the Russian Federation “On rehabilitating the victims of political repression”” // Civic Chamber of the Russian Federation site: Open; Заключение Общественной палаты Российской Conclusions of the Civic Chamber of the Russian Federation concerning the results of the public evaluation of the projected federal law No. 988493-7 “On the introduction of amendments to article 13 of the Law of the Russian Federation “About rehabilitating the victims of political repression”” // Civic Chamber of the Russian Federation site: Open
Final “Community” forum in Moscow: review of national projects, response to the challenges of the pandemic, support of NPOs // Civic Chamber of the Russian Federation site, 03.11.2020: Open
Projected federal law No. 960545-7 “On the introduction of amendments to article 13 of the Law of the Russian Federation “On education in the Russian Federation” concerning questions of mentoring students” // System for ensuring legal activity: Open
Federal law No. 304-FZ of 31 July 2020 “On the introduction of amendments to the Law of the Russian Federation “On education in the Russian Federation” concerning questions of mentoring students”: Open
Projected federal law No. 986679-7 “On the introduction of amendments to separate legal acts of the Russian Federation» // System for ensuring legal activity:Open
Conclusions of the Civic Chamber of the Russian Federation concerning the results of the public evaluation of the projected federal law No. 986679-7 “On the introduction of amendments to individual legal acts of the Russian Federation» // Civic Chamber of the Russian Federation site: Open
Activity of public institutions. VCIOM website, August 2020: Open
Projected federal law No. 993419-7 “On youth policy in the Russian Federation” Open, No. 993434-7 “On the introduction of amendments to article 4 of the Federal Law “On government support of youths’ and children’s civic associations”, and the repeal of the Resolution of the Supreme Soviet of the Russian Federation “On the main directions in government youth policy in the Russian Federation” in connection with the approval of the Federal Law “On youth policy in the Russian Federation” // System for ensuring legal activity: Open
Conclusions of the Civic Chamber of the Russian Federation concerning the results of the public evaluation of the projected federal laws No. 993419-7 “On youth policy in the Russian Federation” and No. 993434-7 “On the introduction of amendments to article 4 of the Federal Law “On government support of youths’ and children’s civic associations”, and the repeal of the Resolution of the Supreme Soviet of the Russian Federation “On the main directions in government youth policy in the Russian Federation” in connection with the approval of the Federal Law “On youth policy in the Russian Federation” // Civic Chamber of the Russian Federation site: Open
Projected federal law “On the introduction of amendments to the Federal Law “On the official language of the Russian Federation,” in particular the improvement of the mechanism that allows the Russian language the status of the official language of the Russian Federation” // Federal portal for projected laws and regulations: Open
Conclusions of the Civic Chamber of the Russian Federation concerning the results of the public evaluation of the projected federal law “On the introduction of amendments to the Federal Law “On the official language of the Russian Federation,” in particular the improvement of the mechanism that allows the Russian language the status of the official language of the Russian Federation” // Civic Chamber of the Russian Federation site: Open
Report “Demography 2024. How to ensure stable natural population increase in the Russian Federation” // Civic Chamber of the Russian Federation site, 29.05.2019: Open
Conclusions of the Civic Chamber of the Russian Federation concerning the results of the public evaluation of projected federal law по No 1027743-7 “On the federal budget for 2021 and the planning period 2022 and 2023” // Civic Chamber of the Russian Federation site: Open
Moscow awards participants, organizers, and partners of the all-Russia #WeAreTogether mutualhelp campaign. // All-Russia People’s Front site, 28.08.2020; Vladimir Putin holds video conference with participants of the all-Russia mutual-help campaign “We Are Together” // Site of the President of Russia: Open
Society and the pandemic: experience and lessons from the battle with COVID-19 in Russia. — Moscow: 2020. ISBN 978-5-85006-256-9, С. 584.
From materials from the Penza region civic chamber, Orenburg region civic chamber.
From materials from the civic chamber of the Samara region: Open
List of instructions resulting from meeting 25.06.2020 with members of the Civic Chamber (Pr-1395) of 1 September 2020: Open
Society and the pandemic: experience and lessons from the battle with COVID-19 in Russia.— Moscow: 2020, p. 9.
From materials from Orenburg region civic chamber
The concept of federal government openness, confirmed by instruction of the Russian government of 30 January 2014 No. 93-r.
Сайт Nakontrole2020 (Наконтроле (Under Control)).
Сайт Nakontrole2020 (Наконтроле (Under Control)).
Confirmed by instruction of the Russian government No. 2950-r of 27 December 2018.
Civic Chamber of the Russian Federation recommendations following the round table discussion “What can civil society do to curb the “second wave” of the COVID-19 pandemic?” // Civic Chamber of the Russian Federation site, 15.10.2020: Open
Russian government provision of 02.04.2020 No. 409 “On measures to provide stable economic development”
The Ministry of Economic Development and the Federal Tax Service began payment of subsidies to suffering businesses and community-focused nonprofit organizations for preventative measures against coronavirus // Ministry of Economic Development of RF site, 15.07.2020:Open
Social entrepreneurship in new difficult economic conditions // Civic Chamber of the Russian Federation site, 17.04.2020: Open
Federal Law of 23.11.2020 No. 372 – Federal Law “On the introduction of amendments to part 2 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation with regard to taxation of personal income exceeding 5 million rubles for the tax period”: Open
Best practices of socially responsible business in the era of COVID-19 // Civic Chamber of the Russian Federation site, 14.05.2020: Open
Russian presidential provision No. Pr-675 of 11 April 2020, concluding meeting with representatives of the entrepreneurial community; No. Pr-791 of 9 May 2020, concluding meeting with participants of the all-Russia #WeAreTogether mutual-help campaign; No. Pr-818 of 15 May 2020, concluding meeting about the sanitary and epidemiological situation), in Federal law No. 166-FZ of 08.06.2020, «On the introduction of amendments to individual legal acts of the Russian Federation with the aim of approving urgent measures aimed at providing stable economic development and preventing the consequences of spreading the new coronavirus»; Federal law No. 172-FZ of 08.06.2020, «On the introduction of amendments to part two of the Russian Tax Code «; Russian government provision No. 847 of 11 June 2020, “On the register of nonprofit organizations most suffering from the worsening situation resulting from the spread of the new coronavirus”.
See Russian Government Provision No. 696 of 16.05.2020 “On confirming the rules for providing subsidies from the federal budget to Russian credit organizations to compensate income not received from loans provided in 2020 to legal persons and individual entrepreneurs to restart activity” // Open; Russian Government Provision No. 976 of 02.07.2020 “On confirming the rules for providing subsidies in 2020 from the federal budget to small and medium businesses and community-focused non-profit organizations to provide preventative measures against coronavirus” //Open
27,000 organizations in the first register and 12,000 in the second: The Russian Ministry of Economic Development established a register of community-focused non-profit organizations to receive support // Russian Ministry of Economic Development site, 05.06.2020: Open; Second register updated of NPOs to be provided with additional support measures // Russian Ministry of Economic Development site, 30.06.2020: Open
In Presidential Instruction No. Pr-1395 of 1 September 2020.
NPO register: accelerate the development of the Third Sector, make it transparent // Civic Chamber of the Russian federation site, 11/08/2020. Open
Within the framework of fulfilling the list of Russian presidential instructions Pr-1395 of 01.09.2020 (point 1, subpoint c).
CC RF proposes improving the approach to the formulation of the single register for socially focused NPOs. CC RF site, 5.10.2020;Open
6 October. In accordance with Russian Presidential Instruction No. 696 of 16.05.2020.
In accordance with Russian Presidential Instruction No. 976 of 02.07.2020.
The Civic Chamber of the Russian Federation supported the idea of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, concerning the creation of a fund for the target financing of medical help for children: Open
In accordance with article 2 of Federal Law No. 172-FZ of 08.06.2020 “On the introduction of amendments to part two of the Russian Tax Code”
In accordance with article 2 of Federal Law No. 172-FZ of 08.06.2020 “On the introduction of amendments to part two of the Russian Tax Code”.
In accordance with subparagraph 1 of paragraph 1 of article 219 of the Russian Tax Code.
Official Presidential Grants Fund site: Open
CC RF orders additional NPO support measures // Civic Chamber of the Russian Federation site, 25.11.2020: Open
Regional Third Sector rating presented on final “Community” forum in Moscow // Civic Chamber of the Russian Federation site, 25.11.2020: Open
Pp. 1, 2 of section 3 of “Growth of disposable income of citizens, recovery of full employment and effective demand”; pp. 5 of section 8 “Sectoral support: recovery and development of individual sectors”; pp. 21, 42, 8, 9, 10 of section 4 of “Support and development of small and medium business” National plan of action ensuring recovery of employment and income for the population, economic growth and long-term structural changes to the economy (approved at Russian Federation Government meeting, September 23 2020. (Protocol No. 36, section VII) No. P13-60855 of October 2 2020 г.) // Open
The Government approved a nationwide plan of action to provide job and income recovery for the population, and economic growth and long-term structural changes to the economy Open
“A living document which will become richer with new ideas and initiatives”. Open
National goals and “national projects”. VCIOM site October 22, 2020: Open
Experts: Russia may become a unique country in the creation of a strong genetic service // Civic Chamber of Russian Federation site, 02.11.2020: Open
“Financing of the national “Demography” project increased to 691 billion rubles”. Rossiyskaya Gazeta, 30.11.2020. Open
Working meeting with Nizhny Novgorod region governor Gleb Nikitin, November 26, 2020, Sarov // President of Russia’s site, 26.11.2020:Open
Meeting of the Council for Strategic Development and National Projects // President of Russia’s site, 13.07.2020: Open
Transcript of the meeting between Russian President Vladimir Putin and members of the Civic Chamber 25.06.2020 // President of Russia’s site, 25.06.2020:Open
Decision of the Coordination Council under the Civic Chamber of the Russian Federation, of 9 September 2020, concerning national projects and population preservation by means of population preservation index // Civic Chamber of the Russian Federation site, 09.09.2020: Open
It is necessary to increase connectivity between all national projects // Civic Chamber of the Russian Federation site, 03.11.2020: Open
Collection of funds for the creation of the Rzhev Memorial completed // TASS, 26.06.2020: Open
Year of Memory and Glory: don’t lose touch with the generations // Civic Chamber of the Russian Federation site, 02.11.2020: Open
All-Russian “Windows of Victory” campaign:Open
“My childhood – war”: Open
Lidia Mikheeva: “It is important that the financial mechanism for helping children with orphan diseases is in operation as of January 1, 2021”. Civic Chamber of Russian Federation site, 28.10.2020: Open
“Letter of Victory”:Open
“Garden of Memory” campaign:Open
“Victory Fact Test”:Open
International online “Volunteers of Victory” forum:Open
Golikova: there are still 60.8 thousand participants of World War II in Russia, TASS, 11.12.2019: Open
Mobile teams helped veterans, the disabled, and WWII veterans:Open
All-Russia “Volunteers of Victory” social movement: Open
All-Russia population census 2020, Federal State Statistics Service: Open
“The ‘Relay of Generations’ project is unassumingly and effectively doing serious patriotic work” Civic Chamber of the Russian Federation site, 09.10.2020: Open
Conclusions of the CC RF on the results of public evaluation of projected federal law No. 960545-7 // Civic Chamber of the Russian Federation site: Open
“Rare opinion”: a hotline for problems treating children with orphan diseases, 22.10.2020: Open
Projected Federal Law No. 1057914-7 “On the introduction of amendments to individual legal acts of the Russian Federation, especially setting additional measures to oppose threats to national security” // System for ensuring legal activity: Open
Projected Federal Law No. 1057895-7 “On the introduction of amendments to the federal law “About education in the Russian Federation” // System for ensuring legal activity: Open
Provision No. 10-P of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation of 08.04.2014 «Case concerning the revision of the constitutionality of the provisions in point 6 of article 2 and point 7 of article 32 of the Federal Law «On non-profit organizations», part 6 of article 29 of the Federal Law «On public associations», and part 1 of article 19.34 of the Code of the Russian Federation about administrative offences in connection with complaints by a human rights officials in Russia, the «Kostroma Support Center for public initiatives» fund, and citizens L.G. Kuzmina, S.M. Smirensky, and V.P. Yukechev».
Runet today: Main analytical report 2020: Open
Google needs to take radical measures // Civic Chamber of the Russian Federation site, 16.10.2020: Open
Roskomnadzor initiates proceedings against Google for not removing banned content, 25.11.2020: Open
Projected Federal Law No. 1058572-7 “On the introduction of amendments to the federal law “On information, information technology, and the protection of information” and the federal law “On corrective action for people involved in violations of a person’s fundamental rights and freedoms, or the rights and freedoms of a citizen of the Russian Federation” // System for ensuring legal activity: Open
Projected Federal Law “On the introduction of amendments to article 54 of the federal law “About communication” // Federal portal for projected laws and regulations:; Projected federal law about unpaid access to socially significant sites will be presented to the Duma by year end, TASS, 23.11.2020: Open
Constitutional amendments: a rating of Russians’ preferences. Results of VCIOM survey of 30.05.2020 Open